kevin samuels youtube channel

Proof That Kevin Samuels Targets Black Women

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If you can't find an audience, find an enemy. This is a marketing tactic that works very well, especially in a sensitive climate like we have today. Kevin Samuels learned this from Jordan Peterson, a Canadian academic who started a verbal war with the gay and trans community. Many famous people have used this same tactic including rapper 50 Cent, Floyd Mayweather, Donald Trump, and even Oprah to a degree. 

So, what enemy did Kevin Samuels choose? Is it all women, or black women? I can’t speak on one’s intentions, but the evidence in his brand seems to point to a disdain for black women. Below are pictures of the thumbnails he uses. Over 90% of them are black women.

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Kevin is a very corporate minding guy. So, my best guess is that he wants nothing to do with the backlash that comes from targeting WHITE WOMEN exclusively. Which I like to classify as the residual effect of the Emmett Til murder.