There are no UGLY actors in Hollywood


Will Smith asked Dave Chappelle for advice for Will’s first attempt at standup comedy. Dave told him that he didn't have to be funny 100% of the time but he did have to be interesting 100% of the time. This same advice rings true for actors and personalities. You don't have to look perfect but you do have to look interesting. 

The Japanese have a phrase called wabi sabi. It basically means - to find beauty in imperfection. On Instagram I see a lot of aspiring “actors” trying to project perfection. Everything about them seems contrived or just too put together. When you get too many people trying to be perfect, the ones that will stand out are the imperfect ones. 

Remember Michael K. Williams who played Omar from The Wire? He received his first film opportunity because 2Pac noticed his headshot on a wall. As soon as 2Pac saw that huge scar on Michael’s face he had someone reach out to him for the part. 2Pac wasn't looking for some underwear model to play his little brother in a movie, he wanted someone that looked authentic and had life experiences. In this case, Michael’s face told a story before he ever opened his mouth. 

For your career’s sake, being memorable is more important than looking great. When you’re visually memorable nobody has to know your name. Who is the black male actor in Black Panther? You know, the guy with the lazy eye? Oh, Forest Whitaker. What about the model with the big forehead? Oh, Tyra Banks. What about the white actor with the bad teeth? Oh, Steve Buscemi. 

"I've had dentists who have wanted to help me out, but I say, 'You know, I won't work again if you fix my teeth,” says Steve Buscemi